editor, writer, teacher, coach

Fiction | creative nonfiction

Narrative & informational nonfiction

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100% Human, no generative AI

It’s a changed world out there.

The long tradition of the in-house editor who works closely with a promising new author — helping to shape the ms and its ideas, marshaling the ms and its author through the process — is no more.

The ms that comes in looking more or less okay is often rushed through the process, without any time (that is, dollars) spent on making it the best it can be. The ms that would take work to prepare for the marketplace is most typically rejected, no matter how bright its promise.

The traditional publishing industry simply does not nurture talent as once they did.

That leaves you, the author, to find editorial support on your own — even when you’re planning to seek publication through traditional channels. Naturally, the same goes for work you yourself will publish.

Either way, it’s your name on the line.


I can help.

I can be that editor, that coach, that partner that we all as writers benefit from.

Showing you how to write more clearly and concisely, to write with flare, passion, grit, to find and hone your voice. How to strengthen the story (fiction or narrative nonfiction). To rework the presentation or argument (nonfiction). To realize cohesion, coherence, power, grace. To develop that informative survey or exploration, craft that work of art.

And when you’re ready, how to navigate the path to publication.

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